Special Announcements

A couple of weeks ago CTG wrapped up our biggest and most successful IMTS show ever! IMTS 2012 was the most successful manufacturing event in more than a decade, hosting more than 100,000 visitors from over 119 countries! The 100,200 visitors boosted attendance by 21.6% from IMTS 2010, the largest ever show-to-show increase for IMTS! This year's show covered 1.248 million square feet of exhibit space, featuring 1,909 different companies. Thanks to those of you who came out to visit the CTG...Read more

For the fourth consecutive year, CTG will return to the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center tomedtec_China_logo_neu_3941 participate in MEDTEC China. Recently, manufacturers have developed a mounting interest in creating new medical devices for the Chinese population. As a result, MEDTEC has...Read more

IMTS2012LogoIt’s that time again! CTG will be attending and introducing new products at the 2012 International Manufacturing Technology Show September 10 – 15th in Chicago, Illinois. This year’s show will once again be held at McCormick Place convention facility. IMTS is the largest...Read more

Over the past few months, CTG Asia employees, Double Zhou, Peter Liu and Blue Shen visited the United States to train with team members from our Cincinnati and New York divisions. All three spent time at both locations, learning from the US engineering and manufacturing teams. They were able to collaborate and work together with US employees on current projects. When the time came to travel back to China, Double commented, "During the last 3 months of training, all of the engineering and...Read more

Cleaning Technologies Group is proud to announce that CTG Asia has been awarded ISO9001 certification! The ISO9001 certification represents an international consensus on good quality management practices and is designed to help organizations ensure they meet the needs and standards of customers. Committing to the ISO9001 standard provides the company with a systematic approach to organizational processes, guaranteeing customers receive quality products on a consistent basis. With...Read more

The Association for Manufacturing Technology opened its 3rd technology and service centre on May 15th in Chennai, India. The new technology and service centre will provide Indian manufacturers with access to American manufacturing technology and equipment. AMT hopes the tech centre will help to promote US exports while saving Indian companies time and money. CTG plans to install demo machines including our Lean-Jet RB-2 and Agisonic, along with a testing room in the new centre. Our Indian...Read more

When the March tornadoes ravaged parts of the South and Midwest, leveling small towns throughout Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, Ransohoff employees began looking for a way to help the victims. Through both employee and company donations, Ransohoff was able to raise $3,500 for the Neediest Kids of All. The NKOA, founded in 1952, collects and disburses funds to children around the Greater Cincinnati tri-state area and has helped over 174,649 children within the last decade. Ransohoff's donation...Read more

Ransohoff has been selected as a winner for the 6th annual MANNY Awards in Greater Cincinnati. The MANNY Awards, presented by Cincy Magazine,  recognize companies who have overcome the many obstacles and challenges the manufacturing industry has faced. Over the past year, Ransohoff has recovered strongly, investing in and introducing 2 new cleaning systems to customers. These new product developments led to over a 10% increase in revenue in 2011 alone. In addition to being recognized for...Read more

This week, CTG is participating in the Shenzhen International Machinery Manufacturing Exhibition in Shenzhen, China. This year's show features displays from over 1,100 exhibitors with the newest machinery technology, service and supplies. SIMM 2012 is expected to draw 100,000 attendees over 3 days. CTG employees from Ransohoff, Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics and CTG Asia have been on hand for product demonstrations and to answer any questions from show attendees. There's one day left to visit...Read more

On Wednesday, the Business Courier named CTG as one of thirteen finalists for the 2012 Cincinnati USA Innovation Awards. The 13 local finalists selected have fueled the Tri-State’s economic engine with new ideas and innovative approaches to problem solving. The awards will be presented by the Business Courier, Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber and Cincy Tech at an awards program on April 17th at the Duke Energy Convention Center in downtown Cincinnati. Be sure to...Read more
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