Special Announcements

Reuben Chasteen has been named Chief Operating Officer of Ransohoff.  Mr. Chasteen will oversee and manage all operations at Ransohoff, including purchasing, engineering and manufacturing. "Reuben has been an essential part of Ransohoff's success as the VP of Manufacturing for many years.  His excellent work, company knowledge and dedication provide a solid foundation as he assumes responsibility for all operations within Ransohoff, as well as supporting the other Cleaning Technology Group...Read more
Kailash Chauhan has joined Cleaning Technologies Group, LLC as the India Business Development Manager, effective December 5th, 2011. Mr. Chauhan will direct and oversee all of Cleaning Technologies Group’s sales and business development efforts in India. "Kailash has the technical and business experience and expertise necessary to carve the path for CTG to become India’s leading provider of parts cleaning and waste minimization equipment. His ambition and drive will clearly make him...Read more

Last week, the women of Ransohoff got into the holiday spirit, celebrating with a luncheon and ornament exchange. An annual tradition, each participant is asked to bring in one wrapped ornament to be placed into the mystery exchange. Everyone enjoys lunch and dessert and leaves with a new ornament to take home! Check out some of the pictures from the festivities:...Read more

Cleaning Technologies Group and FIRBIMATIC are pleased to announce the addition of solvent cleaning systems to CTG’s wide array of available cleaning technologies. Cleaning Technologies Group has partnered with FIRBIMATIC, the world leader in alternative

CTG Asia has started a new learning forum for all CTG Asia employees called the "CTG Asia Technical Salon." Every Friday, the CTG Asia employees gather to discuss topics related to Cleaning Technologies Group's products, technologies and business strategies. The first two “Salons” covered topics including CTG Asia’s market position, competition and customers as well as an overview of solvent cleaning technology....Read more

November's Production Machining Magazine featured, "Meeting Medical Manufacturing's Tough Demands," an article written by John Fuchs, author of CTG’s, John’s Corner Technical Blog. An excerpt from the piece on ultrasonic cleaning and the medical manufacturing industry follows:

...Read more

CTG is proud to announce the recent addition of Double Zhou! Double Zhou, of Shangrao City,  joined CTG Asia as a Mechanical Engineer on September 20th. Getting to Know Double:

Favorite Activities: Watching movies, playing games

CTG is proud to announce the recent addition of two employees: Peter Liu and Pippo Zhang! Peter Liu, of Taizhou City, joined CTG Asia as an Electrical Engineer on August 6th. Getting to Know Peter:

Favorite Activities: Swimming, climbing hills, and playing sports

On September 14th, Cleaning Technologies Group celebrated the retirement of Ransohoff employee, Chuck Noonan, after 65 years of dedicated employment. Family and friends gathered to enjoy lunch, cake, and to hear well wishes from Chuck’s coworkers. “Chuck’s many stories about the history of Ransohoff will be missed. He’s the last of our employee’s to have worked with the founder, Nathan Ransohoff. Best wishes to Chuck for a long and happy retirement,” said Ransohoff President,...Read more

CTG is proud to announce the recent addition of two employees: Layne Spicher and Onward Gwangwava! Layne Spicher joined Cleaning Technologies Group as the Sales & Marketing Coordinator on July 25th. She is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and currently lives in Columbia Tusculum. Getting to Know Layne:

Favorite Activities: Spending time with friends and family, watching UC Bearcats football, and running...Read more

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