Ransohoff Raises $3,500 for the Neediest Kids of All

When the March tornadoes ravaged parts of the South and Midwest, leveling small towns throughout Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, Ransohoff employees began looking for a way to help the victims. Through both employee and company donations, Ransohoff was able to raise $3,500 for the Neediest Kids of All. The NKOA, founded in 1952, collects and disburses funds to children around the Greater Cincinnati tri-state area and has helped over 174,649 children within the last decade. Ransohoff's donation helped contribute to over $59,461 that was raised by NKOA to help the smallest victims of the tornadoes! Congratulations, Ransohoff, on a job well done!

Executive Director of NKOA, J.J. Wales Accepts Ransohoff's Donation

From L to R: President of Ransohoff, Barney Bosse, Executive Director of NKOA, J.J. Wales, CTG Corporate Controller, Helene Buse and CTG Human Resources Director, Judy Hoffman

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