Ransohoff Introduces New Cleaning Solutions at IMTS 2022

Ransohoff IMTS 2022

Ransohoff will introduce a host of advanced cleaning solutions at the IMTS 2022 in Chicago, Illinois, September 12 - 17, 2022. Visitors to the Cleaning Technologies Group Booth #338774 will be introduced to several new products, technologies, and services. Among the new technologies exhibited at the show will be:

Lean-Jet RB-2: This Aqueous Immersion Cleaning System uses a triple-action washing and rinsing process consisting of agitation, spray impingement, hydraulic purging through immersion and rotation, ultrasonics, and heated blow-off drying. The triple-action batch cleaning process was specifically developed to process a broad range of challenging parts, especially those with internal bores, passages and complex geometries, making this system capable of meeting critical cleaning expectations. The LeanJet RB-2 offers an automated basket loading option that will be on display.

LeanVeyor: The LV conveyor parts washing system is engineered for lean manufacturing, while reducing floor space requirements and providing exceptional cleaning and drying performance. We use a common-sense approach to component choice and placement for quick and efficient service and access. All stages are insulated and compartmentalized with individually adjustable exhaust dampers, reducing system heat loss.

The entire unit has been engineered and manufactured from the ground up to be flexible, durable, simple to operate, and easy to maintain. The LeanVeyor can process on a flatwire belt or custom fixture. Optional ultrasonic states can be added along with loading and unloading automation.

LeanDrum CF: The LeanDrum CF features a very robust, lower cost option utilizing stainless steel tanks, pumps, drum and housing, premium electrical components, full immersion cleaning system and forced air dryer technology to produce consistently high-quality cleaning results over an extended machine life. With this new design, you may recognize less chemical utilization and have better oil control resulting in a longer bath life. The new LeanDrum CF is designed for easy access that will allow easy drum removal for maintenance.

PRO-SEP: is uniquely designed floating collection device is also included which mounts directly in the wash tank of the parts washer, compensating for fluctuations in bath level. Users of PRO-SEP quickly realize reduction in the potential for bacteria growth within the separation tank, collection of oil to discharge with much less in the way of encapsulated water residual, reduced footprint and an overall cost savings in the operation of their parts washer.

Mini Parts Washer: the Mini Parts Washer represents a cleaning breakthrough for manufacturers of small parts. This compact conveyorized system is for continuous, one-at-a-time, parts cleaning at the point of manufacture. This Mini Parts Washer was designed by Stoelting and manufactured by Ransohoff.

We will have technical experts available at the show to explain our technologies more in-depth and to provide suggestions to our customers for improving their cleaning processes.

If you would like to set up a time to talk to our people at IMTS, click here to reserve a time.

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