In today’s manufacturing world, a wide range of businesses are increasing efficiency and improving production with robotic parts washing and other customized automated washing solutions. Automated washing systems offer the added benefit of improving product quality and consistency, while freeing valuable human labor resources for other tasks.
While highly beneficial, the introduction of robotics and automation may initially seem overwhelming to manufacturers who lack experience with this technology. Cleaning Technologies Group (CTG) has significant experience and expertise in the development of parts washing systems which include integrated robotic handling and customized automation. We have developed a new first-step guide designed to introduce businesses to the benefits of implementing automated and robotic parts washing systems. Topics include:
- A New Dimension of Capability and Cost Savings
- Programmable Controls for Robotic Parts Handling and Parts Cleaning
- Robot Tended Cells and Modular Design Systems
- Robotic Parts Cleaning In Action
This new eBook guide is now available to download for free. We invite business owners and managers to review this guide and then contact our team to discuss specific ideas for increasing process efficiency, improving product quality, and reaching higher levels of productivity and profitability with automated and robotic parts washing systems.